Friendship is a social relationship that binds two or more people, on the basis of trust, affection and cooperation between them. It is derived in Arabic from honesty. Friendship is a human relationship based on a set of solid foundations such as honesty, love, cooperation, sincerity, understanding, and trust.
Characteristics of friendship
It can be distinguished by three characteristics:
Mutual dependence: which emerges through the influence of each party on the feelings, beliefs, and behavior of the other party
The tendency to engage in various activities and interests other than superficial relationships often centered around a single topic or activity
The ability of each party to evoke strong emotions in the other party, which is a characteristic resulting from dependence, as friendship is a source of many positive feelings, pleasant or unpleasant, as friendship is important in our lives, as each of us needs a person who exchanges feelings and feelings, advises and guides him to the right thing, and the most important factor For friendship is honesty because friendship without sincerity has no value in interests, and then it breaks off with the severance of interests. True friendship is the relationship that arises between two parties, each of whom has common interests that enable them to spend their time together with enjoyment, and they also have many common experiences, common history and common values, and they have Impact Friendship is considered one of the sweetest sources that help a person to enjoy life, and it is a relationship known since ancient times, because it is considered one of the most important human relationships that take a great resonance in various fields of life, whether psychological, social, or in the fields of literature and arts, where It is one of the most important things that helps in the advancement of social relations and protects the mental health of the individual.
growth problems
Children with autism spectrum disorders usually have difficulty making friends. Some autistic symptoms can interfere with the formation of interpersonal relationships, such as a preference for routine over change, an obsession with interest or certain rituals, and a lack of typical social skills. It has been found that children with autism spectrum disorders may have one close friend rather than groups of friends. In addition, they are likely to become close friends with other children with some kind of disability. The methods used by parents to help their children form good friendships among children with autism spectrum disorders compensate for the lack of social skills that would prevent the formation of friendships.
Over time, children with autism spectrum disorder become able to form friendships after realizing their strengths and weaknesses through moderation and appropriate education for them. Frankel and others conducted a study that proved that parental intervention and proper guidance plays an important role in developing these children’s friendships. The constant interaction of parents and school professionals plays an important role in teaching them social skills and interaction with their peers. Junior specialists and classroom assistants are specifically with children with autism disorders in order to facilitate the process of making friends and guide the child to make and maintain friendships intrinsically.
Despite this, lessons and training may help children with autism interact with each other, and teasing is still a major concern for them in social situations. According to Anahad O’Connor of The New York Times, he says that bullying is most likely to happen against children with autism who have the potential to live independently, such as people with Asperger’s syndrome. These children are most at risk because they have many rituals and lack social skills, an example of which are children with complete autism, but they have the ability to integrate in school more than others, and because in the end they have the highest level of autism. Children with autism have great difficulty understanding social gestures when a gesture is made that carries a sarcastic meaning and they understand it as fun, so they are always unaware when harassment happens to them.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Children with ADHD may not have difficulty making friends, although they may have difficulty maintaining these friendships, due to their spontaneous behavior and hyperactivity. The lack of attention that children with ADHD may find it difficult to maintain and maintain friendships.
Few children with ADHD fret about their children’s inability to make lasting, long-term friendships. “Making friends and staying with them requires hundreds of skills such as speaking, listening, sharing, empathizing with others, and so on,” says Edelman. These traits are not innate in children with ADHD. “It may prevent difficulty listening to others in children with ADHD with Hyperactivity leads to making good friends, and children with these disorders can be alienated by others by “accidentally saying bad things” and their immodest behavior can become a distraction to classmates.
In general, there are two dimensions to friendship: qualitative and conflict. The quality of friendship is important to a person’s happiness. Strong friendships have great ways of resolving conflict, which ultimately leads to stronger, healthier relationships. A good friendship is called “improving the quality of life.” The feeling of pleasure and happiness is intensified by participating in activities with friends. Happiness relates to the quality of friendships because friendship “provides a framework within which basic needs are satisfied.” The quality of friendship leads to an individual feeling more comfortable with the realization of their personal identity. The highest types of friendship contribute directly to self-esteem, self-confidence, and social development.