Japanese Red Maple Bonsai

Japanese Red Maple Bonsai
Japanese Red Maple Bonsai

This is a Japanese red maple acer palmatum atropurpureum bonsai starter seedling tree. These trees have the most beautiful red leaves in the spring and fall. During late spring they tend to shade to a duller red, then green during the summer and then go back bright red in the fall. Japanese red maple are known to make wonderful informal upright bonsai and the leaves reduce nicely to 1″ or less. Red maple also make wonderful 2 tree and 3 tree forest plantings at minimal cost and have a big bonsai impact for appearance. These are 1 year old trees. The trunks can look green late spring to summer, but turn red in the winter. Make excellent mame size bonsai. Price is for one tree. Select quantities below. We have plenty of these wonderful trees in stock for the rest of this year.


Growing Japanese maple trees from seed is one of the most common methods of propagation. The seedling trees produced are of two types, the standard green Japanese maple tree known as Acer palmatum, and the red Japanese maple tree known as Acer palmatum Atropurpureum. The green variety of Japanese maple trees are most commonly used as rootstock or understock for grafting purposes, although, they also make good landscaping trees. The red seedlings are most commonly used as landscape trees, but can also be used as rootstock for grafting.


Japanese maple seed is often described as difficult to germinate. I find it to be quite easy if persistent and patient. Seed can remain dormant and take up to two years to germinate. This process can be hastened if proper care is given during stratification. Stratification is the process in which the seed is subjected to either a natural or artificial climatic conditions. Most often, stratification is a cold treatment and is meant to duplicate the climate conditions during the winter months.


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