Tag Paths

Sakura – Japan’s Cherry Blossoms

Beautiful Stepping Stones

The path behind Rainbow Falls in Watkins Glen State Park, New York, USA

Stepping Stones, Tollymore, Ireland

Floating umbrella installation in the streets of Águeda , Portugal

River Path, Alsace, France

Beautiful Place in Adelaide, South Australia

Forest Path, Madeira, Portugal

Spring, Central Park, New York, USA

Tree Tunnel, Sena de Luna, Spain

Wonderful Trees in Louisiana

Tunnel in Campania, Italy

Secret Garden, Vancouver, Canada

Stairs to the Sea, Negril, Jamaica

Wonderful Green Trees

Fall color on the grounds of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia

Wonderful view of Maldive Islands

Autumn Sidewalk, Helena, Montana

Pear Trees, Germany

Bamboo Forest, China

Forest Stone Path, Germany

Beautiful Autumn

The Great Wall of China