No different with me one that Steve Jobs School in speech and presentation skills and dumping presentation skills, it is to climb on the stage to give a presentation about the company’s latest products snatched the breath of hundreds of millions of followers around the world .. personally I learned from him a lot of techniques in speech and organize ideas and view .. but today I am going for months what distinguishes Steve Jobs from other managers who reveal their products .. It is a “one more thing”.
Steve continued to more than 100 hours of presentations to various products and developments in the company of both the beginnings of its founding until today shortly before his death. The joint where all the most important product will reveal his company’s display usually left him for a last resort .. and undisclosed Steve way that suggests like reveals something of little importance, saying before the words “Oh there’s something else I’d like to add” .. Any gives the impression as if this thing will be added for each the foregoing important things while the reality is the opposite.
Steve wants to get attention and possession of it for this reason scrubs relay all products, news and secondary matters in the presentation of the company at the outset to remain tight for the end of the event.
It continues, and Steve knows him well .. just waiting for his famous “one more thing” ..
Saw me this section, which collected almost all the moments in which he said the phrase .. noticed how the audience burst out laughing .. everyone knows that became important product Apple will come at the end of the concert, and specifically after the famous phrase Steve .. No surprise here, but Steve has always insisted to hold on to its base.