Love is defined as a set of complex feelings that result in many behaviors and thoughts woven with strong emotions that govern a person and control his being and his feelings, making him want to protect the person or thing he loves, and he feels great affection, intimacy and sympathy towards him, so he respects him and preserves him and takes into account his feelings and desires to make him happy and protect him from Any threat or danger may harm him in any way, and it is not limited to human love for each other only, as one may love a pet and provide it with care, care and kindness and seek to protect and preserve it, or be associated with the love of a special inner feeling such as freedom, independence, entity and personality, or self-love For example. What is love The concept of love in language Love is defined in language as a great and strong feeling that a person feels towards a person, which makes him emotionally attracted to him strongly and affected by him, so he desires to share with him all the moments of his life and stay with him forever, and it is a feeling Beautiful in which a person sees his partner as very important to him and makes him one of his priorities, and many deep terms are synonymous with it, such as adoration, pride in the beloved, and the strong desire to take care of him and take care of him constantly, which is a yin feeling. It does not increase over time, so the lover likes his beloved and becomes a source of inspiration and passion and a reason for happiness and comfort. About the feeling of love and its definition through scientific research and life and practical experiences on people under its influence, where some of them identified factors that result in this feeling and summed them up in one principle, which is communication, participation and support, which results in a very strong and interdependent relationship between the parties, and results in great emotional and physiological feelings centered on about care, protection, concern, sympathy, and other feelings that may be similar to what was mentioned before about this deep emotion.
Philosophers’ definition of love differs from the rest of the concepts of poets and scientists, as its philosophical concepts varied, and some considered it just a word that does not express something tangible and reasonable or related to a clear truth, while others see it as a strong influence and a great means to control the entity and see the world in an image different once they fall under its influence, and others preferred not to interpret it and leave it in a world far from curiosity, application, and research, but despite their different interpretations and definitions, it cannot be denied the fact that this feeling is basic and important, and it has a great role and tangible impact on people of different cultures and races, so they continued to develop theories and interpretations Philosophical in order to try to reach a clear definition and a consistent concept for it, and due to the difference in their opinions, the theories have multiplied, conflicted, and diversified with the progress of life, the maturity of humans, and the different needs and way of thinking. [4] The scientific explanation of the feeling of love and its biological stages. Some of them are a complex matter that requires a lot of research and study, as the nature, amount and impact of this feeling differs from one person to another. With a look and a simple meeting in which one feels a feeling of attraction to the other party, but it grows and develops with time to become an urgent goal to get closer to him more, so some researchers divided it into stages according to its depth and the effect of human hormones on its owner, as it may be a common need to satisfy the innate desire for them, and a reason for the evolution of species And its multiplication over time, and in other cases, love is a distinctive phenomenon that makes people attracted to each other under the influence of different hormones such as dopamine, which is released by the brain, which in turn makes one more attached to his partner, and increases his enthusiasm, excitement, activity, and sense of vitality that may make him lose the ability to sleep because of too much thinking. With the partner, signs of tension appear on him, decreased appetite, insomnia, and sometimes annoyance, and the matter may develop for some into a sense of love and madness that accompanies cases of attraction and intense attachment to this person and a lot of thinking about him, while this love may reach the stage of attachment, which is one of the static stages that It results from stable, long-term relationships in which both parties share feelings, overcome previous stages, and reach a sense of completeness and happiness. D the other party in their lives, so they maintain his stay in it, and strive to support the relationship and make it stable, healthy, and successful. Signs of falling in love A person is confused when he notices a change in his feelings towards another person, and he may hesitate to reveal or confess. It is in order to verify it, and to understand its cause and nature, but love is a clear feeling and a strong emotion that is difficult to conceal and hide as mentioned before, and therefore its clear signs must appear on its owner, including the following: Internal signs The internal signs of love are turbulent sensations and feelings , and the deep, and sincere that one has for his lover, the most prominent of which is what follows: The tendency to exaggerate the positive qualities of the partner, seeing him as a complete and distinguished person, and condoning some of his negatives and mistakes motivated by great affection towards him, and therefore the lover looks at him as different and prominent from everyone around him, and exaggerates with his feeling without thinking of anything else, even though he may be an ordinary person. Feeling joyful and overwhelming happiness for the sake of the beloved, in the event of his success or achievement of one of his goals, and not feeling inferior, jealousy or inferiority towards him, on the contrary, he supports him, cherishes him, congratulates him and feels sincere and true happiness for him. Being strongly affected by the opinions of the beloved and his ideas and taking care of them, as one may be accustomed to making his personal decisions privately and individually, but the presence of a lover in his life who feels towards him affection and familiarity may make him want to share the planning and care for his ideas and opinions and be influenced by them, which may sometimes contradict his desires but his love He will push him to compromise for the sake of his beloved’s happiness and satisfaction. External signs of body language There are some spontaneous and gentle physical signs in which a person tries to express his sincere feelings towards the lover, through body language, including the following: The sincere and spontaneous smile: as the smile expresses happiness and good mood, and one often smiles In the face of the person who makes him happy, and therefore his continuous attractive smile in the face of the one he loves is evidence of his desire to stay with him and communicate more, and his feeling of joy and comfort. Visual communication: The positive visual response, which is represented by focusing on the eyes of the other party, and looking at them for a long time directly, is evidence of interest in him, while shifting his gaze from him and the inability to communicate visually indicates a lack of interest, or sometimes deception, and therefore the fixed eye looks The focus is on the things a person likes and is attracted to.