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  2. Test it out: Send yourself a text from your email with the desired subject line, like “Mobile To-Do List,” and then reply to that via text every time you have a new to-do item to add to your list. All the text messages will appear within the same email thread for easy tracking. Whether it’s your privacy or the sensitivity of the information that concerns you, you might find yourself looking for a way to reach out to someone anonymously. You could create an anonymous Facebook account to contact someone or use a private email service. But if those options seem complicated and time-consuming, you could send them an anonymous text instead. Here’s everything you need to know about anonymous texting and the tools that you need for it. When someone sends an e-mail message to the cell phone’s email address, it will get turned into an SMS text message and sent to the cell phone, usually within seconds after it was sent. To send or receive cell phone SMS text messages, all you need is to find out the cell phone’s email address (below).
    Please stand by, while we are checking your browser… Look into Google Voice, which can have forwarding rules and is free. So, what do you do if you don’t have a data plan on your phone, or you’re in an area where you’re only getting cellular service and not data or LTE? Fortunately, cell phones allow users some unexpected resources in the palms of their hands: You can send emails via text message. And if you have the opposite problem, and find yourself without cell service? It’s easy: You can also receive text messages from email accounts. Here’s how. If you would rather use a reader, just point your reader to the RSS feed, ( cindyluis feed ) and your reader will do the rest. The following is a listing of all the major cell phone carriers e-mail addresses, which may be used to send SMS messages over e-mail. For example, if you had a friend with the cell phone number 555-123-4567 and AT&T as their carrier, you could text them by sending an e-mail to

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